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Our exclusive offers

Lili’s Stay

Discover Paris through the prism of gastronomy and enjoy the warm and family-friendly ambiance of the Maison.

The Lili’s Stay package includes:

  • A room for two people with buffet breakfasts included
  • A bespoke snack for two people. Choose your preferred delicacies from the gâteaux menu and they will be prepared exclusively for you.
Hôtel Le Soly Varnay - Chambre

Mon Amour

Discover the wonders of Paris and declare your feelings in the capital of love.

The Paris Mon Amour package includes:

  • A room for two people with buffet breakfasts included
  • A romantic dinner in a typically Parisian restaurant
  • OR A boat trip on the Seine
Maison 46 - Chambre - Tour Eiffel

Happy Day or
Day break

Treat yourself to quiet and discreet moments in the privacy of the Maison 46. Rooms are available between 11:00 and 14:00, and 16:00 and 23:00, on request.

Maison 46- Chambre

You & Me

Take advantage of the romantic Parisian setting to savour intimate moments.

The You & Me package includes:

  • A room for two people with buffet breakfasts included
  • Half bottle of champagne and delicacies in the room
  • Rose petals
Hôtel Le Soly Varnay - Chambre

Flexible Rate
with Breakfast

Book your room with breakfast included for two people at the flexible rate. This offer is subject to change and the reservation can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the arrival date.

Hôtel Le Soly Varnay - Chambre

Early Stay Rate

Take advantage of a preferential rate by booking your stay at least 15 days in advance. Prepayment required upon booking. Non-cancellable, non-modifiable, non-refundable offer.

Maison 46 - Chambre

CoWorking at home!

Le CoWorking est accessible 7/7, 24h/24, toute l'année!

L'offre inclus l'accès wifi illimité, boissons chaudes à volonté!

Tarif horaire: 8 euros

Tarif demi- journée: 20 euros

Tarif journée: 30 euros

Pour toutes informations et/réservations, contactez-nous directement par téléphone au 01 56 58 56 78 ou par mail !

maison 46 - Offres Exclusives